Impact VPS (Subnetlabs)- NVMe SSD KVM Launch!

Hello Netlyers!

As you might know, Impact VPS have been offering beta testing for their NVMe SSD KVM product line.

Today we are happy to announce that the product line is launching, after many requests.

A few details about it:


  • NVMe SSD
  • Modern Kernels
  • IPv4 and IPv6 /64 subnet
  • IPv4 and IPv6 RDNS
  • 10Gbps public and private uplinks (internal networking is included)
  • Virtualizor panel

And of course, what would a launch be without a limited time (recurring) 50% discount!

Base Plans:


  • 2 Cores
  • 2 GB RAM
  • 30GB SSD
  • 2TB Bandwidth
  • 1 IPv4
  • /64 IPv6
  • Internal IP
  • Seattle, WA

Cost: $3.50 per month (with the 50% discount)
Order: HERE (Out of Stock at the moment)


  • 2 Cores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 60GB SSD
  • 4TB Bandwidth
  • 1 IPv4
  • /64 IPv6
  • Internal IP
  • Seattle, WA

Cost: $7.00 per month (with the 50% discount)
Order: HERE


Larger packages can be found HERE

Hopefully they bring this offer to their other locations in the near future, currently, this is a Seattle only launch.

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