Ternate and Tidore

Ternate and Tidore

Ternate and Tidore

Ternate and Tidore are two almost identical small islands, west of the large island of Halmahera, almost facing one another, each shaped by a volcano emerging from the deep Maluku Sea. While if Ternate is dominated by Mt Gamalama, in Tidore rises Mt Kiemtabu.

The volcanic landscape of Ternate has given the island its fertile soil and beaches with black glittering sands. Today, all around the island are colorful boats in various sizes lying in the shallow turquoise water, shielded by swaying coconut trees.

For culinary and history lovers, the island is a flavorsome and historical delight that will satisfy any craving for knowledge or desire to enjoy appetizing cooking. Entertainment from the friendly locals is also something to experience.


Get Around

The road circling Ternate makes it easily accessible by local transport such as ojek (motorbike taxi) or bemo (minivan public transportation).

Get There

Garuda Indonesia now flies to Ternate from Jakarta with transit in ManadoThe Babullah Airport serves the island with various flights. If you wish to travel by boat, the North Maluku shipping hub is located at Ternate, and the PELNI liners harbor at Ahmad Yani port.

Sangiang goes around the island of Halmahera but the schedule is irregular so check the schedule at the office of Ahmad Yani port regularly. Nggapulu and Sinabung transit at Ternate from and to Sorong, Papua and Bitung, North Sulawesi. Lambelu connects Ternate and Ambon, stops by Namlea (Buru). This sails eastbound only.

Jetties are also available at Bastiong. These connect Ternate and Tidore (Rum) with ferries. The ferries also go to Bitung overnight.

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