


The town of Sorong, located on the ‘beak’ of the Bird’s Head Peninsula in West Papua is the departure point for your visit to the fabulous Raja Ampat marine park. The word ‘Sorong’ is said to originate from the local Soreri language meaning ‘deep and turbulent seas’. Mountains, hills, lowlands, and protected forests securely surround the town. As a port, its inhabitants come from multi-ethnic descent. The seas around Sorong are rich in tuna and shrimp, which are also major export commodities. 

Get Around

Compared to other cities in Indonesian Papua, Sorong is the fastest growing town. It is dynamic and tolerably safe. Getting around in Sorong is possible by taxi, chartered van, and also becak for shorter distances.

Angkot is also available and you are recommended to always make sure you know where you are going. Best ask the friendly staff at the hotel you are staying before traveling around town. If you cannot remember the number of the angkot you are taking, take a note and ask around when possible.

Get There

Although most of inter-island passenger and cargo traffic is by boat, there are a number of flights to Sorong. A longer route will be via Manado, served by SilkAir from Singapore, Garuda Indonesia, and Pelita Air, then take a connection flight to Sorong.

In Sorong, there is another airport called Sorong Airport, which is also called Jefman Airport, in addition to Domine Eduard Osok Airport.

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