


Bogor is located about 60 km in the south of Jakarta. Once known as Buitenzorg meaning ‘free of care’, Bogor lies at the foothills of Mount Salak. It has high, year-round rainfall, and a much cooler climate compared to metropolitan Jakarta. Bogor itself is a pleasant town, and home to Indonesia’s Agricultural University and the Zoological Museum, a place where you can find a mount of the last one-horned rhino in the Bandung plateau.


A Majestic Weekend Escapade

From Bogor, you can go through a road that climbs up passing picturesque mountain resorts all the way to Puncak, which literally means the peak. A wonderful zoo famously known as Taman Safari Indonesia is located on this winding yet beautiful route. Further beyond Puncak before reaching Cipanas is the Cibodas Park just at the foot of Mount Gede-Pangrango, laid out for the study of temperate plants, where Java coffee was originally cultivated.


Today, Bogor is a favorite place to spend weekends and short holidays. Bogor is famous for its Asinan, fresh fruit, sour vegetables salads, and oddly enough also for its apple pies and baked macaroni.



Get There

From Jakarta, you can rent a car (complete with a driver) to reach Bogor. A journey to Bogor will take you only about one hour. Be advised that the traffic on weekends and long holidays will be more packed.

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