


Serang is the capital of Banten Province which formerly the administrative center of the broader Serang Regency, when Banten was still part of West Java. Serang is the center of the provincial government and business activities, and also the gate to some of the most spellbinding wonders of Banten that include the Ujung Kulon National Park, the Tanjung Lesung Resort, Sawarna Beach, and a whole lot more.

Serang was also known as the seat of the once-thriving Islamic Banten Sultanate and was becoming a prominent trading center in Southeast Asia. Today, its glorious past still radiate from the site of the old capital known today as the Old Banten Complex. Among those still preserved in its authentic colonial architecture is the Pendopo Gubernur Banten (The Governor’s Office of Banten).

Another historical account is the Port of Karangantu. The port was once abuzz with merchant ships from China, Arabia, Turkey, and other countries that regularly called on this port. Today, although the port has been reduced to just a small fishing town, nonetheless, it is the gateway to some of the most fascinating islands off the coast of Banten for those who enjoy fishing, snorkeling, and diving.

Get There

Situated about 90 km west from the capital city of Jakarta, Serang can be reached by a little over 2 hours drive on the Jakarta-Merak Toll Road. While the most convenient way to reach the city is by rental car, you can also take public buses to form Jakarta’s  Kalideres Bus Station.  Alternatively, you can also take the Train from Jakarta’s Tanah Abang Station and Kota Station to Serang Station. The route that passes Serang is served by Banten Express from Jakarta Kota station, the Patas Merak from Tanah Abang Station, and the Kalimaya Train also from Tanah Abang Station.

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